
 The promise of Spring

Seeds lay dormant under the icy surface of the Earth but the spark of life is on the cusp of stirring into action. Yet unseen, abundance and growth is just around the corner as the wheel of the seasons turn to Imbolc.

Now we banish Winter
Now we welcome Spring
A new cycle is beginning. Let go of old ideas, physical items, and anything that will hold you back from receiving the gifts and opportunities that are about to be offered. If you do not make room for the new, you will not receive it.

Time to Spring clean!
Springtime rituals of cleaning and purifying the home and sacred space have been around for centuries.
I have some idea's to get you started.

Use all the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
For Earth we can use baking soda and dried herbs to sprinkle on carpets and hard floors, let it sit for an hour to absorb odors and infuse herbal energies before vacuming and sweeping, better yet, leave it overnight.

For Air we can burn sage or incense as we clean. Playing music also an Air quality.

For Fire we can light up a fire pit for a ritual burning of old items with negative attachments or burn candles that have a cleansing quality to them like Eucalyptus.

For Water we will use most in our cleaning. Using organic or homemade cleaning solutions would show the unseen intelligences all around us that we care about the Earth. 

Super Charge Your Home
Before the actual cleaning charge your cleaning items with intention and love.
perform a ritual and get into the best mindset to harness the energy of Imbolc.

photo by  Ranveig on Flicker

For spiritual cleansing following the physical cleansing I recommend a banishing ritual and protection charms to be placed throughout the home and property.

Walk the perimeter of your property with a burning sage bundle while saying something like " I order any unfriendly and negative influences OUT you are not welcome here."

Once inside you can perform a banishing pentagram ritual, Then place some charged protective charms and stones around the doors, windows, and mirrors.
As always, end your ritual with offerings and gratitude.

I'm so excited to begin a new year! 


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