February 16, 2022

Full Moon in Leo

 Squaring the Nodes in Scorpio and Taurus

Venus conjunct Mars

Full Moons are a time of completion, contemplation of what has been achieved, and rest.

Leo represents courage, loyalty, power, and passion. At this time Leo is in the sixth house of health, daily habits and routines to get things done.

So it's a good time to evaluate what your daily routine are accomplishing. Do they move you forward towards your goals? Are they just busy work to make you feel like your doing something?

The Full Moon is a magnifier of our emotions. At this time we may be feeling very passionate about our relationships or lack of a relationship. 

With Venus in conjunction to Mars ( The Great Lovers) the focus is on relationships. Couple that with the emphasis on Leo in the sixth house I see it as evaluating the quality of your relationships in the context of daily actions. 

It is easy to fall into a state of taking people in our lives for granted. Even when we love someone the minutia of everyday life can really dull a relationship. The kiss we use to get chills from now is mundane. I see this Full Moon in Leo as a wake up call to be more mindful of the important people in our life and think of  little ways to show them we care everyday.

Squaring the Nodes - North Node in Taurus 

Venus, the ruler of Taurus is currently in a lovers dance with Mars. Taurus is a sign of sensuality and stability.

Squaring is not a positive position, it is challenging. So again, I see this as evaluating the quality of relationships and are you getting what you desire? If not, what can you do to improve your current situation?

Let Love Lead You

Emma 💓


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